News from Bidwell Accountancy Limited

Making Tax Digital

You may have heard of Making Tax Digital (MTD). Making Tax Digital (MTD) is an HMRC initiative designed to make sure the UK tax system is effective, efficient and easier for taxpayers. We anticipate that HMRC will be sending out letters to all the affected companies in November 2018. Due to our practice using the […]

Got outstanding invoices?

Here are 8 things you can do It would be nice if you could send an invoice, then sit back and watch the money roll in. But half of all invoices are paid late. And some aren’t paid at all. So how do you handle outstanding invoices? How to collect money Some people – like […]

Trade and Construction Industries

If you are in the trade or construction industries, you’ll know how busy your days can be. You can become bogged down with paperwork, find it impossible to fit it into your workday. So to compensate you burn the midnight oil, or give up your weekends to ensure staff and invoices are paid on time. […]

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